So maybe kawaii rubber stamps are not quite up your alley, how about a whole range of sophisticated rubber stamps instead?
Fairies, circus, birds, cats, jewelry, ballerinas, animals, kids.....so many beautiful designs to choose from!
Each rubber stamp set comes in a small tin box.
These rubber stamps are DIY. There are three components for you to put together - the rubber material with the design, foam mounts and labels.
Peel one of the foam mounts away from the foam mount sheet. Peel away the craft paper to reveal its adhesive side.
Find the matching rubber stamp and cut it away from the main sheet and then place on the adhesive side of the foam mount.
Ta-da! One successful rubber stamp!
Finish up the rest!
You can keep them in its tin box and wipe it down with wet wipes after each usage.
The rubber stamp sets do not come with an inkpad.
Looking absolutely gorgeous on an envelope.
My favourite design.
This is how the rubber stamps look like after each usage. Demo sets are sold at RM23 instead of the brand new price of RM25. Some designs have demo sets.
All in all, the rubber stamps come in nine different designs. Each set is RM25. If you want to pre-order all designs, the total is RM180.
Ballerina Rubber Stamp Set
Fairy Rubber Stamp Set
Circus 1 Rubber Stamp Set