
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sticker Albums From When I Was A Kid..

Some of you have been asking me to show how I keep my sticker collection. So here it is!

I have been collecting stickers for as long as I can remember but only started organizing them properly when I was 8 years old. My mum's a music teacher and she had plenty of left over sticker rewards to share with me. I attended music classes and build a rather sizable collection of my own as well.

As for my dad, he entered the labelling line when I was about 3 years old and thus my kindergarten years were filled with sticker generosity on my part and happy smiles from my sticker loving kindergarten classmates. He would bring home stacks and stacks of stickers. They weren't cute in particular but quirky. I didn't know what 'statements' was at that time but now I realize that they make pretty much anything sticky. After a few different companies, he is back in labelling again and is with a company that produces labels for your shampoo bottles, dishwashing detergent bottles etc (anything that you use that has a sticker on it, the company can do it!). When I ask him if he can make me puffy stickers or fluffy stickers, he just laughs at me =(((((((( and asks how many thousand pieces do I want? =(((( I'll just stick to my small scale sticker buying and selling.

Anyway, so yeah! Sticker collecting! A life long hobby!

My cousin sister Shevie and I used to exchange stickers together when I spent my school holidays at her place and we would spend the whole day looking at our sticker books, never getting sick of it. :)

I had sticker books as a child but when I was older (like 21 years old ahem, the age where I started The Sticker Monster) I used photo albums with plastic sleeves that you can pull away and then stick back.

Some of the stickers I bought in Year 1!

Glow in the dark stickers in pink and blue, so beautiful right?! The middle one is some diary stickers I bought back in 1999.

When I took in my first batch of Sticko, I kept the prettiest one for myself. :)

My pride and joy - Sandylion Stickers!!

I bet you recognize some of the stickers above. :) Ah Sandylion, can never get enough of it. I used to believe that no other sticker makers in the world can ever surpass the cuteness of Sandylion stickers but after taking in sticker stocks for two years now, I am wrong. China can make pretty kick ass sticker designs too!

My most recent sticker album!

About ten years from the last time I bought Sandylion Stickers, imagine the surprise I got when I saw how the brand evolved. Glittery transparent stickers? NO WAY! In the form of a unicorn?! SAY WHAT!

The very much loved pop-up stickers!

Gorgeous epoxy stickers of tiny snacks.

My housemate Lie Yuen bought this for me back in Year 2. :) <3

More pop-up stickers.

Another purchase I made later on in life - Furry Sandylion Doggy Stickers.

Marshmallow snack stickers, bought in Year 1 I think.

This was bought in Standard 6! (1998)

It came from a story book about a bunch of bears living together in a house. The pages were like sticker album material but printed with scenes for you to paste the bears on to go about their furry lives.

Some stickers I bought from Giant back in the early 90s.

More scene stickers that I got from the bookshop next to my primary school.

In the mid-90s, a famous rice cracker brand came with free stickers in it of their mascot.

Which Malaysian kid won't immediately recognize this cheapo stickers? :) It smells wonderfully like PVC and tears easily. Ah, memories.

A bit more high class but equally cheap.

I kind of miss these stickers... transparent and flimsy but so cute. If I bring these in, will any one of you buy it?

A Simba sticker from one of Shevie's activity coloring book which she so kindly donated to me.

From Shevie's coloring book as well. Was this Pocahontas?

Oh look! More scene stickers!

With Disney nametags. :) I remember we had plenty of these one Christmas. All the presents had Mickey Mouse name tags!

Some stickers from the bookshop near my school. :) I spent a really long time taking all the squares out and arranging it again. gahhh.

When the stickers are turned left and right, the image changes. What is the technology called?

My darling Caper Cat stickers in all their sparkly glamour!

Now I see seems more of a Hello Kitty knock-off! More innocent looking than Hello Kitty IMHO!

More Mickey Mouse name tags.

Bon Bon Cat!! Not quite a knock off of Hello Kitty as it was popular in its own right. I just love the colours they used for the sticker designs.

Garfield stickers! :) My boyfriend was a Garfield freak when he was 10 years old and his best friend once tricked him into signing an agreement to pass all his Garfield possession over. The best friend asked to see his signature and so he scribbled it on to a blank piece of paper and the best friend (Kay Hong, to those of you who know then wrote the 'contract' at the top stating that "Lam Chee Kiang will pass all his Garfield things to Chew Kay Hong." Poor Chee Kiang was so upset.

I was really into Tweety Bird at that time (it was cool to have an identity..) and also The Moffatts. Haha, I cut out their heads from some poster and put double sided tape behind and tada- I have a sticker.

But it did not turn out as nice as I wanted to. Dave Moffatt was my husband by the way.

More scene stickers. I was so pissed off with this sticker album because I got conned. It did not have any wax and so most of the stickers could not come out. I was 11 years old when I bought it and considerably had far better taste in stickers then so I had quite some pretty ones waiting to be put into the albums. After spending days filling it up, I then realize that it couldn't be removed. :( But at least they are immortalized among the non-waxy pages.

The damn sticker album.

Scene stickers of a farm and furry Lion King stickers of Timun and Pumbaa.

Monkey stickers and some sparkly seaside and sky stickers.

Transparent piggy stickers and the vegetables seem out of place. Horoscope and Mickey Mouse stickers I don't know from where..

All these are Sandylion stickers except for the fishes.

As you can see, 101 Dalmations just came out in the cinemas at that time (1998) and..erm erm Power Rangers. i don't know why I had left over Power Rangers stickers. Maybe I stole it form my brother.

Jurassic park stickers! Magazine quality!

My gorgeous Sandylion stickers. Don't you just love how the colours pop out?

Mylar (transparent) lip stickers from Sandylion and some sweet flower stickers from Memory Lane.

This sticker album is 12 years old this year. 0_0

Cheapo Snoopy stickers. :)

Some mushroom stickers from Giant (the Hypermarket) that I was strangely very attached to.

Dog stickers from Giant as well.

200 Petite sticker is a whole sheet of stickers with duh..200 stickers and clearly there isn't 200 stickers as I shared half with Shevie and my brother I think. Next to it is more stickers from my school book shop. :) I totally loved the Mermaid stickers.

On the left would be stickers I collected from my Yamaha JMC (music class for 6-8 year olds) days.

Sailormoon!!! :)

Fruit stickers donated by Shevie. And that fluorescent red apple? I'm pretty sure it was given to me by one of my kindergarten teachers.

A bigger sticker album I bought in 1998.

And what was popular in 1998? *snigger snigger* Those were hot items okay! I used to buy Titanic trading cards from a bookshop near my house for 20 cents per piece and sold it to my classmates for RM1 each. They bought it!! Hahaha. :)

More of my self made stickers.. :) I was one of the teeny boppers of the boyband era.

The most sought after poster back then would be the one with the ship and Jack and Rose hugging at the top.

Remember them? :)

Oh!! My first sticker album! Bought in 1993.

My mum bought me pink Doraemon stickers for practicing the piano well. :)

I don't know what bear stickers those were.

There was a time when the local tuck shops had Barbie Doll chewing gums that came with a plastic card with Barbie on it and a sheet of clothe stickers to be stuck on her.

Anybody remember these stickers? We had a card and packs of stickers were sold with random stickers in it. We had to collect all the stickers on the card and then we won some grand prize or something. I think the grand prize was a Tetris game console.

Alien Workshop!! Hahahh.

When I followed my father to one of his label conventions in 1997, I stole some fresh labels home. Heh.

Another sticker album I bought in 1998.

More tweety bird stickers!

These stickers were glow in the dark, believe it or not!

Some random Mickey Mouse stickers.

Mulan was all the rage too! :)

Eheh, I couldn't get enough of Titanic.

Some Winnie The Pooh Stamp stickers.

Cute Japanese stickers.. I can't remember where I got this.

I don't know who traded this with me but I love the glitter accents!

From Memory Lane.. I felt like royalty with all the stickers..:) Me and my 11 year old imagination.

More stickers from Memory Lane. The stickers some how seem so sombre.

Some stickers of flowers that I stole from my mum's piano chair. Heehee. And more Titanic stickers!! Too many!

My most beloved sticker album. Only the best stickers could be in this one.

The horoscope sticker on the left is 18 years old. My dad's old company made stacks and stacks of this. And the Christmas puffy stickers...ahhhhh!!! Too cute. Can't find anything like that anymore. :(

See the blue dinosaurs? They had crinkly sparkly paper inside. When you press you get a squishy feeling. And on the right are the fuzzy stickers.

My prized fuzzy stickers!! :)

I like the way I arranged it too!

More Sandylion stickers from my childhood.

My favourite were the food themed ones.

These are stickers from my primary school bookshop. :)

Prismatic Sandylion stickers!! :)

Mother of pearl sandylion stickers!

I think Amanda gave me this unicorn one in 2004. Hahaha.

Random ones that I thought were worthy to be stuck in my Caper Cat sticker album.

And this is another one from my dad's old company. Statement stickers FTW!


  1. wow. im amazed by ur stickers! u have so many! i used to collect mulan and titanic stickers too. haha.

  2. Nice, u have so many stickers..... I have a lot too, but i put puffy stickers in one album and flat in another one.

  3. Hey! I have tons of stickers too! My parents own The store called Regina's and the shop has so much stickers so i have a lot already. And now they have new stock of stickers and it has jelly stickers! Yay!!!!! So I'm gonna go to the store now, byeeee!


  4. Quinn Santana Britney Hudson GrangerApril 13, 2010 at 10:32 PM

    Hi again! I got home from Regina's already but i came home a while ago at 2:00 p.m. Sorry I took so long to comment again..... I took so long picking and sticking my new stickers...... I got a lot..... My Papa even needed to buy me 2 new clear books. Well, that's because my other albums were almost full. I got new jelly stickers too.I love my stickers. BTW: I'm 9 and a half years old. If I may ask, stickermonster, who are you really? how old are you? where do you live? I know you might not answer but then I want to try. Because maybe you'll answer me soon, too. Well, see you!:)


    P.S. My full name is Quinn Santana Britney Hudson Granger. Really long name huh? :P

  5. Hi! Mercedes here, I love your stickers! My cousin's asking if she cud by all ur stickers but we don't know if u still use this so nice stickers anyway! :)

  6. Oh my god, those Barbie outfit stickers sparked some SERIOUS nostalgia for me! I had the exact outfits and everything wooooow! I wish I still had my sticker books from when I was a kid :(

  7. I was so stunned to see that we had stickers in common! Haha.. especially the furry stickers and the prismatic ones. I think it's kind of funny that cute diary deco stickers are quite a rage these days when there were so many cheap ones sold back then. Cheers from Singapore!

  8. Hi! I saw your Caper Cat stickers and I was wondering if it's possible for you to sell yours or get some for me. I'm a caper cat fan who used to collect some stuff since I was a kid, now I'm 23 and felt kinda nostalgic when I saw your stickers, if you can find anything from caper cat I would be glad to buy ^_^

    here's my e-mail:


  9. Thanks for the tip on the waxy sticker pages for a sticker album. Now I am going to have to rethink mine. I have a whole bunch of fruit and tweety stickers in my collection plus musical ones and oh erasers too. Love collecting stationary things..pencil toppers. Oh well I am getting carried away. Loved your sticker collection :)

  10. I thank you for your sticker blog and posts. I'm a sissy boy/man - no kidding - so I remember enjoying the Lisa Frank stickers in the early 90's, especially the fuzzy ones. You girls had it much easier than I did as a boy/girl. You girls could enjoy stickers and cute things without getting beaten to death.

  11. I really love your collections =)
    I saw some that I had too and that caper cat sticker album =D and also the bon bon cat one, so nice =)

  12. hey would you be willing to sell or give any of those stickers to a good cause? email me:
    this goews for anyone who reads this-if you have any stickers you don't need and would be willing to donate to a program here called "stickers4wellness" please contact me, i will pay if shipping has cost, give you an addrss, full description, and bring you a letter in return of thanks written for you because you have donated.. email me please to help out.

  13. Sandylion stickers are the best. Love your collection! :)

  14. you know where can i find the empty sticker book?most of bookstore are selling sticker book with sticker (after we patch it, the sticker cannot be removable).i want the empty sticker book for collecting and trade with friend, the yellow paper, so that the sticker can be removable.actually it is for my daughter...if u know, please let me from melaka, Malaysia.

  15. Dubai's dynamic business landscape thrives on innovation. Custom stickers by Yashtech, a leading Dubai printing company, offer a unique way to set yourself apart and connect with your audience.
    The Allure of Custom Stickers
    Marketing Magic: Stickers are branding chameleons. Promote events, showcase your logo, or create a social media buzz. Slap them on laptops, water bottles, or anywhere your target audience gathers.
    Brand Recognition on the Move: Eye-catching stickers act as miniature billboards, spreading brand awareness with every glance. The more eyes on your design, the better brand recall!
    Durable Impact: High-quality materials ensure your stickers withstand the elements. Your message travels further, reaching a wider audience for a longer period.
    Cost-Effective Marketing: Get big results without breaking the bank. Custom stickers provide a powerful marketing tool at a budget-friendly price.
    Yashtech: Your Custom Sticker Printing Superhero
    Yashtech goes beyond printing. They're your customization partner in crime-fighting (against bland marketing, that is).
    Material Matchmaker: Find the perfect fit for your needs. Yashtech offers a variety of materials like vinyl, PVC, or polyester, each suited for specific applications.
    Design My Squad: Get creative with custom shapes, sizes, and finishes. The Yashtech design team can craft an impactful design from scratch or refine your existing concept.
    Printing Prowess: Expect vibrant colors, sharp details, and a professional finish thanks to Yashtech's state-of-the-art printing technology.
    Swift Turnarounds: Meet your deadlines with Yashtech's efficient printing processes. No more waiting around for your stickers to arrive.
    Why Choose Yashtech?
    Unwavering Quality: Yashtech prioritizes premium materials and advanced printing techniques for exceptional, long-lasting stickers.
    Customization that Clicks: Get exactly what you envision with Yashtech's commitment to tailoring solutions to your specific requirements.
    Printing Expertise: Benefit from Yashtech's extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of custom stickers.
    Dedicated Customer Service: Yashtech's team provides exceptional support throughout the entire process, ensuring a smooth and satisfying experience.

    Custom sticker printing Dubai
